Production or Creation Technology of Sun hemp :


Sun hemp is fast developing leguminous harvest developed for green excrement just as fiber crop. At the point when it is blend well in soils, it forestalls draining and loss of supplements, likewise saved soil dampness. Sun hemp is begun in India. It very well may be filled in unfriendly climatic states of dry season, alkalinity and saltiness. In India it is developed in every one of the states. Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Rajasthan, Orissa and Uttar Pradesh are major sun hemp developing states for principally for fiber reason.


Production or Creation Technology of Sun hemp , Financial Importance of Sun hemp






Planting Temperature


Collecting Temperature





It tends to be developed in all sort of all-around depleted soil. Very much depleted sandy topsoil or loamy soils having adequate dampness holding limit are appropriate for sun hemp developed for fiber reason.


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        Land Preparation:

To carry soil to fine tilth, furrow land appropriately. Prior to planting guarantee soil content adequate dampness. Legitimate dampness in soil helps in great germination of seeds.



        Time of planting:

For green compost reason, April to July is ideal time for planting. For seed creation sow crop in June month.




At the point when harvest developed for green compost reason, broadcasting technique is utilized. For seed reason use line dividing of 45 cm.



Planting Depth:

Planting profundity ought to be 3-4 cm.


Technique for planting:

Broadcasting technique is utilized if there should be an occurrence of green fertilizer reason and seed drill is utilized when harvest is developed for seed reason.



        Seed Rate:

For green compost reason, use seed pace of 20 kg/section of land is adequate and for seed reason use seed pace of 10 kg/section of land.



Seed Treatment:

Prior to planting splash seed for the time being for better germination.



        Fertilizer Requirement (kg/section of land):











        Nutrient Requirement (kg/section of land)









For seed reason just as for green fertilizer reason, apply Phosphours@16 kg/section of land. As it is leguminous yield, nitrogen composts are not given. However, some time, at first to support up crop, Nitrogen@4-6 kg/section of land is applied.



        Weed Control:

To keep mind weed populace, take one hoeing one month in the wake of planting.




At the point when harvest is developed for green fertilizer reason, it required two - three water system relying on climate conditions. Blooming and grain advancement stage are critical for water system when harvest is developed for grain reason. Keep away from water pressure during this period.




For grain reason, collecting is done 150 days in the wake of planting. (From mid-October to early November). At the point when harvest is raised for green fertilizer reason, 45-60 days subsequent to planting covered yield in soil.




Sunn hemp, an individual from the vegetable family (Fabaceae), has incredible potential as an every year sustainable, multi-reason fiber crop. It is the main types of the Crotalaria family, which is included more than 350 species situated in the jungles and subtropics of the two sides of the equator. As quite possibly the most generally developed green fertilizer crops all through the jungles, sunn hemp is regularly developed in turn with a few distinctive harvest animal categories. The stems of sunn hemp are made out of two strands, the bast and woody center. The bast filaments, which are situated in the external bark, are any longer than the main elements, however the two fiber widths are basically the same. The extent of bark in the complete tail, by dry weight, for the most part goes from 15% to 20%.


Examination with sunn hemp has been led in the United States since the 1930s, where it was accounted for to be a great soil-improving harvest. It created high natural matter yields, had the option to fix nitrogen, and could decrease the development of root-hitch nematode populaces (Breitenbach 1958; Dempsey 1975). Notwithstanding, the trouble in creating seed made numerous ranchers surrender the developing of this yield. The vast majority of the present-day sunn hemp creation is situated in India, Bangladesh, and Brazil, where it is developed as a green compost crop, a grub crop, or for the bast filaments. The bast strands are used for the production of cordage and top notch paper. Notwithstanding the utilizations as a green excrement crop and as a fiber source, research is being led in Texas to decide whether the more limited central elements of sunn hemp can be used in the assembling of soil-less preparing media for business nursery application.