Cropping Pattern in Different Ecological Zones of Pakistan, agriculture in Pakistan
Cropping Pattern

Cropping Pattern in Different Ecological Zones of Pakistan:


Locale astute Distribution:


1.     Rice Region:


Pakistan is the world's biggest maker of rice. Every year, it creates a normal of 6 million tones and along with the remainder of the South Asia; the nation is liable for providing 25% of the world's paddy rice yield. The greater part of these yields are filled in the rich Sindh and Punjab area with a large number of ranchers depending on rice development as their significant wellspring of business. Among the most renowned assortments filled in Pakistan incorporate the Basmati, known for its flavor and quality. Rice creation contains 40% of Basmati (Fine) type and 60% of coarse sorts


2.     Wheat Region:


Wheat is a staple food yield of Pakistan, overwhelming all harvests in land and creation. Wheat represents 37.1 % of the yield region, 65 % of the food grain land, and 70 % of the creation. Principally developed under inundated conditions, wheat's water necessities range from 2021 in/section of land. The Indus Plains with their ideal geology, rich soil, and great agrarian offices have a lot more noteworthy real esatate planted to wheat.


In Pakistan, spring wheat is developed as a Rabi crop in the Sindh, Punjab, NWFP, and Baluchistan territories. In the northern pieces of Baluchistan, some colder time of year wheat is developed on a limited scale. The wheat-developing territory was 8.371 million hectares and creation was 18.90 million tons in 1997-80. The significant creation territory is in Punjab (71.17 %), trailed by the Sindh area (13.38 %). In any case, the yield per section of land is somewhat higher in Sindh (2,410 kg) when contrasted with Punjab (2,316 kg).


        In Punjab, wheat is for the most part developed on flooded land


        In the Sindh region, wheat is developed for the most part on inundated land


        Kohistan 97 wheat was affirmed for downpour took care of zones of the Punjab area in 1997.


        Chakwal 97 was affirmed by the Punjab Seed Council in 1997 and was created for the downpour took care of regions of Punjab


        M.H. 97 was suggested in 1997 for typical and late planting in watered territories of the Punjab region. M.H. 97 was chosen from the Warmer Areas Wheat Screening Nursery with the name Attila.


        Bahawalpur 97 was affirmed by the common Seed Council for flooded territories in the southern Punjab.


        Derawar 97 was suggested for general development in the late-planted region of the Punjab territory during 1997.


3.     Cotton Region:


Cotton is filled generally in the two territories of Punjab and Sindh, with the previous representing 79% and the last for 20% of the country's cotton developing area. It is additionally filled in Khyber Pakhtoon Khawah (KPK) and Baluchistan territories.


4.     Sugarcane Region:


Sugarcane is developed on a region of pretty much 1,000,000 hectares in Pakistan.

The Punjab shares 62 %, Sindh 26 % and N.W.F.P. shares 16 % of the all out territory.


5.     Wheat Region:


The significant creation zone is in Punjab (71.17 %), trailed by the Sindh area (13.38 %). Notwithstanding, the yield per section of land is somewhat higher in Sindh (2,410 kg) when contrasted with Punjab (2,316 kg). In Punjab, wheat is for the most part developed on flooded land.


Rice-Wheat Cropping System in Pakistan:


The rice-wheat developing territories in Pakistan are essentially arranged in focal Punjab (principle areas incorporate Gujranwala, Sheikhupura, Narowal and Sialkot) trailed by Sindh (Fig 1). The rice-wheat editing framework in Pakistan is the significant one with an expected territory of 1.6 mha. In the framework, rice is generally developed by relocating 25-35 days old seedlings in very much puddled and nonstop overflowed field. This technique for rice foundation is a tedious, drawn-out and barbaric and includes significant expense of work, water, and land arrangement. Wheat planting after the paddy reap is postponed, coming about into helpless harvest stand and low grain yield. Wheat crop is likewise seriously influenced by flood water system because of helpless seepage of paddy soils. Therefore, the profitability of the framework stays far underneath the potential yield levels of current cultivars.


The rice-wheat framework, one of the major trimming frameworks of the South Asia and parts of East Asia, requires uncommon administration. Rice develops well on puddled compacted soil, while wheat develops best on all around depleted soils. The hardpan created with puddling activity is significant for water maintenance and weed control in rice, however compacted soil makes issues of waterlogging for wheat. Moreover, the conventional land readiness after rice gather brings about later wheat planting dates than ideal. Because of these administration contrasts and conventional social development rehearses, the profitability of the rice-wheat framework is deteriorating and its support capacity threatened.This must be conceivable if the planting procedures of rice or wheat crops are improved coming about to saving of time, development cost and water system water.


Asset moderating advancements (for example zero-culturing, bed planting or direct cultivating of rice) can be useful in the accomplishments of significant objectives. Asset preserving advancements. Asset preserving innovations are characterized here as any training that improves the productivity of utilization of characteristic assets, including water, air, non-renewable energy sources, soils, information sources, and individuals. Late planting is a significant issue in most rice-wheat zones. To improve framework profitability, the wheat crop should be planted at the ideal time.


The other significant reason for late wheat planting is the long turnaround time between rice collect and wheat planting. Long turnaround can be brought about by numerous variables, including unreasonable culturing, soil dampness issues (excessively wet or excessively dry), absence of animal or mechanical force for furrowing, and the need ranchers put on sifting and dealing with the rice crop prior to planning land for wheat.


Combined with the issues of late planting of wheat is the issue of helpless germination and plant stands. Most ranchers in the IGP sow wheat by communicating the seed into furrowed land and joining it by another furrowing. Part of the purpose behind this is buildup the board issues in fields following rice. The free straw and stubbles are raked and obstruct the seed drills. Broadcast seed brings about seed arrangement at a wide range of profundities and into various soil dampness, with coming about factor germination. The issues of late planting and helpless plant stand have been tended to by advancing different asset saving culturing and yield foundation procedures portrayed underneath.


Surface Seeding:


Surface cultivating is the easiest zero-culturing framework being advanced. In this culturing alternative, wheat seed is put onto a soaked soil surface with no land arrangement. This is a customary rancher practice for building up wheat, vegetables and different yields.




With Inverted-T OpenersAnother practice includes planting utilizing a seed drill, without earlier land readiness. This has been tried in Pakistan and is by and by being tried in different regions of the Indo-Gangetic Flood Plains, including India and Nepal. The training is more applicable in the higher yielding, more automated territories of northwestern India and Pakistan, where most land is readied utilizing four-wheel work vehicles.


Diminished Tillage:


The Chinese have built up a seeder for their 12 pull, two-wheel diesel work vehicle that readies the dirt and plants the seed in one activity. This framework comprises of a shallow rotovator followed by a six-line cultivating framework and a roller for soil compaction. Financing from the UK Department for International Development (DFID) and CIMMYT made it conceivable to import a few work vehicles and executes from Nanjing, China, into Nepal, Pakistan, and India, where they have been tried in the course of recent years with positive outcomes.


The principle disadvantage of this innovation is that the farm hauler and the different carries out are not effectively accessible and spare parts and upkeep is difficult to get. It might be ideal if the private or public area in South Asian nations could import this hardware or build up a nearby ability.


Bed Planting System:


In bed planting frameworks, wheat or different yields are planted on raised beds. This training has expanded significantly somewhat recently. Ranchers have given the accompanying purposes behind embracing the new framework:


        Management of water system water is improved.


        Bed planting encourages water system prior to cultivating and in this way gives a chance to weed control before planting.


        Plant stands are better.


        Weeds can be controlled precisely, between the beds, right off the bat in the yield cycle.


        Wheat seed rates are lower.


        After wheat is gathered and straw is singed, the beds are reshaped for planting the succeeding soybean crop. Consuming can likewise be wiped out.


        Herbicide reliance is diminished, and hand weeding and roguing is simpler.


        Less housing happens.


Such advances are quickly acquiring fame among ranchers, in however much they increment creation and lower costs, bringing about higher benefits, less expensive food, and improved rancher livelihoods. In addition to other things, the efficiencies acquired incorporate less land and time expected to deliver the necessary staple grains, permitting ranchers to expand crops and trimming examples or seek after other beneficial exercises.


Season Wise Distribution:


Essentially Pakistan has two yield seasons: first Kharif (first planting season from April – June and collected during October – December) with the fundamental harvests like rice, sugarcane, cotton and maize, and second Rabi (second planting season from October – December and gathered in April – May) with principle harvests, for example, oats and oil seeds.


        Kharif crops:


In Kharif season Rice, sugar stick, cotton, maize and millet are filled in Pakistan.


        Rabi crops:


In Rabi season while wheat, gram, tobacco, rapeseed, grain and mustard are filled in Pakistan.


        Zaid Kharif:


Sunflower crop is planted both during harvest time (Zaid Kharif) just as spring (Zaid Rabi) seasons. In any case, primary yield is of spring season.